Saturday, 8 December 2018

Overly large vehicles on our lanes..........

There are growing concerns about the increase in very large vehicles using our small lanes.  Some of these are conducting business with local farmers, Carpenter Oak or Blackness Marina, some are blindly following SatNav rather than following instructions to use other routes, and some are foreign drivers who do not understand our roadsigns, such as "Unsuitable For HGVs".  We are keen to gather any data we can on large vehicles in the lanes, so if you see such a vehicle please note all the details you can, including photographs if possible.  If you get the opportunity to ask the driver where he is bound, even better!

Please send any details you collect to Cllr Mike Pearey at or phone 732628.  One we have collected a decent amount of data we will discuss what measures might be appropriate to reduce the problem, such as improved signage or asking SatNav companies to highlight the smallness of our roads!

Finally the Parish Council would like to remind anybody ordering things that will be delivered to check that the haulier knows about the limits on our lanes.  This is especially true of online purchases, where it is prudent to phone the retailer to check delivery options.  If the lanes get blocked, even temporarily, we all suffer!

Thanks for your support in this.

Ashprington Snow Plan